Thursday morning started with another delicious breakfast with my adopted family, and then a long day at the office. Believe it or not, I actually had to sit in on meetings and sit through Chinese Power Point presentations, as well as a sit down with a local government representative who wanted to learn more about the club and what their plans were.
By the time 5:00 rolled around I was ready to get out and wander around town a bit. A nice stroll through town included a stop at a little town store where the village elders were all gathered. For those of you who have been to Cape Charles, imagine a Chinese Watson’s Hardware with tea instead of vodka.
I had a great time talking with these guys, learning a bit of Chinese & teaching a bit of English. By the time I headed home for dinner I had promised to never walk past without sitting down for a visit. I have really started to feel like this little village is my home in China, and having tea with the Mayor and his friends certainly helped to reinforce my comfort here.