The party that is life in the West Indies gets taken up a few notches for just about any excuse. “Hey – it’s Tuesday we should be making rum drinks!” One of the principle catalysts for island-style over-the-top revelry is “Old Years Day” – the idea being that you’ve got to squeeze every last bit of partying for the year into one last blast.
The view from Mermaids Chair Overlook
But here at Botany Bay the pace of island life is a little more laid back. So while thousands of sunburned revelers try to empty the rum stash at Foxy’s, we carried on an Old Years Day tradition that pre-dates our time here on the West End of St. Thomas.
Making our way out to the Western Tip
A small gathering of friends old & new met at the Mermaids Chair overlook & wandered out to the end of the beach to the Westernmost point we could find. Champagne was poured, toasts were made, and as the sun dipped into the Caribbean a moment was taken to remember not only the joys & experiences of the year as it closes, but also “Those who’ve come before us” as my new friend Steven puts it.
Steven Ports Supplies through the wilds of Little St. Thomas
Looks like we found the right spot
Everyone misses someone. Loss is an experience we all know. Pausing to remember and recognize the friends and family who have passed maintains their influence in our lives and hopefully serves as an inspiration for us to go out in the year ahead to pursue, achieve, conquer, inspire, and live life to its fullest.
Sharing that moment of reflection with good people in a beautiful place with just the slightest hint of ceremony was a wonderful way to end 2012.
May 2013 bring you happiness, joy, accomplishment, success, love, and laughter. Cheers to you and a sincere “Thank you” to those who’ve come before us.